The EVES project is going to the next level!
Just recently, viaSport British Columbia announced the awarding of a provincial grant to Pickleball BC. This grant focuses on advancing Pickleball Schools – a concept and model first developed through the East Vancouver Elementary Schools pickleball project of the VPA.
EVES was envisioned and initiated by VPA members Tony Casey and Sharon Hoy in the summer of 2022. It has evolved in Vancouver through a collaboration of the VPA, Vancouver School Board teachers and more than 20 schools. Pickleball leaders, teachers, school administrators, pickleball coaches and many volunteers have played active roles. Over 1550 students and 103 teachers have experienced the joy of pickleball through EVES.

Now … through Pickleball BC leadership, a viaSport British Columbia grant, and contributions from VPA and others, the Pickleball Schools model is progressing and extending to more schools, in more communities.
In addition to further EVES development in Vancouver, the Pickleball Schools approach is being introduced on southern Vancouver Island and in the north Okanagan over the next 10 months.
From the results of Vancouver’s next phase and the experiences in the two new pilot areas, a Pickleball Schools planning guide will be available to all Vancouver schools through the VPA and all BC pickleball clubs, later in 2025.
VPA executive leadership from Janet Martini, Andre Plourde, and the VPA Board is strong, steady, and much appreciated by the project leaders and participating teachers. Greg Feehan through his early vision and continuing support has, in particular, been instrumental in the success of EVES and in advancing the dynamic Pickleball Schools model.
Through Curaçao’s Gary Schwartz and the Pickleball Federation of the Americas, many countries will implement Pickleball Schools over the coming years.
Based on experiences in BC over the next eight months, PFA is launching a global strategy to get Pickleball School pilots in place (and supported) in countries across the Americas … and beyond.
Pickleball kids in pickleball schools. Onward!
- Pickleball for schools, in schools, powered by schools
- Pickleball embedded, sustained within schools
- School educators collaborating with community pickleball leaders
- Vividly demonstrates inclusivity and diversity
- Builder of social connections for students; nurturing friendships and a sense of belonging
- Teacher wellness – the spirit of physical and social activity within and across schools
- Pickleball athlete development – pathway for recreational, competitive, high-performance levels
- Showcasing of a remarkable, inter-generational sport that is incomparably . . . fun!
Please donate now and spread the word!
Thank you from the EVES Project Team!
Please send your donation* now via Interac to school_outreach@vancouverpickleball.ca or by using the following donation button: